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UX Design Project - App Design: Video


For people needing surgery or a hospital stay for another treatment, there is a lot to organise (pre-, during- post-surgery) and a lot of information to overview and collect. Not only the patient, but also the medical staff has to spend a lot of time to keep everyone informed. Yet, there is no application that bundles and collects all the relevant information and documents a patient needs.

UX Design Project - App Design: Volunteer Work


create an app that bundles and collects all information which is relevant and important for patients to help manage their pre, during and post-surgery health process?

UX Design Project - App Design: Volunteer Work
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UX Design Project - App Design: Quote

"8 out of 10 patients are calling our staff and receptionists to confirm a date or appointment. This is really time-consuming for them."

Prof. Dr. Roland Biedert - Sportsclinic #1

UX Design Project - App Design: Quote



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Calendar Feature

With Google Calendar you can quickly schedule meetings and events and get reminders about upcoming activities, so you always know what's next. Calendar is designed for teams and multiple users, so it's easy to share schedules with others and create multiple calendars.



Reminder / Notification Feature

With Medisafe, you get personalized reminders for each of your medications and drug interaction you might need. You will get real-time missed medication alerts. It manages the daily medications with a user-friendly app.



Capturing Data

Evernote is a cross-platform app that serves many purposes. It can be your digital file cabinet, note-taking tool, daily journal, task or project management system, recipe-keeper, and more. It is a great example of capturing as much information as possible needed.

UX Design Project - App Design: Projects


The APP with its main features, calendar, document archive, and appointment reminder will help a patient feel better and more organised. The patient does not have to call the clinic to find out when his/her appointment is, or where they can get their referral letter for the other doctor. The app makes them feel secure 24/7.
On the other hand, it will reduce the administration workload for the clinic. It will reduce “no-show” spots during the day as the patient is less likely to forget his appointment.

UX Design Project - App Design: Volunteer Work

Ideate & Prototype

UX Design Project - App Design: Text
UX Design Project - App Design: Image

Application Access

The App is specifically made for patients and will be available for patients only. The profile for each user will be pre-entered from Data from the hospital and clinic to guarantee maximum comfort for the user. 
The user will receive a confirmation E-mail with the surgery and personal Log In details. 

UX Design Project - App Design: Image


The user will experience an easy and clear onboarding process. The profile will mostly be pre done, most information are collected from the hospital. The user does not need to worry about set up his own profile.

UX Design Project - App Design: About Me
UX Design Project - App Design: Welcome


The main screen will show the most important organising tool in the app. It shows the user an overview of upcoming appointments. The user can tap on the appointment to find out more details about it.

UX Design Project - App Design: About Me
UX Design Project - App Design: Welcome


By open up the hamburger menu the user will see more options to use. one will be a bundle of documents. Scripts, referral letters, medication instruction etc. The user will have the option to share those documents, print or download them.

UX Design Project - App Design: About Me
UX Design Project - App Design: Welcome

High Fidelity Wire Frames

UX Design Project - App Design: Text
UX Design Project - App Design: Welcome
UX Design Project - App Design: Video
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The App is tested on its accessibility to provide an application that is available for as many people as possible.

UX Design Project - App Design: Image
UX Design Project - App Design: About Me
UX Design Project - App Design: About Me
UX Design Project - App Design: Text
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